Help in case of urgency

During opening hours

If you need an urgent consultation or if you have acute troubles, we would ask you to call us in the practice. Tel. 089 530 511
One of our our doctors will call you back as soon as possible.
Please don’t send an email since we cannot check our emails in very short intervals.

Outside of opening hours

Medical urgencies Practice

In case of an urgency, please contact the Notfallpraxis der Münchner Ärzte (also occupied by a gynecologist) at Elisenhof, Prielmayrstr. 3 (directly in front of the main railway station Hbf)

Telephone 116 117 (without area code)

Maternity clinics and hospitals with a department in gynecology and obstetrics

In case of an urgency in your pregnancy, please contact your maternity clinic. In case of big urgency (e.g. very abundant bleeding) , please hurry to the very next maternity clinic.


Dear patient,

in order to reduce the waiting time for your routine prescription, you can send us the email below and we will make your prescription ready for the next day.

Prescriptions are submitted to indications in the field of gynecology. An examination might be required before prescribing certain medicine.
For patients in the NHS (gesetzlich Versicherte GKV):  You’ll have to bring your insurance card (KVK) at the begin of every new trimester.
Please fill in all the following fields and send us your request:

Hinweis: Bitte die mit * gekennzeichneten Felder ausfüllen.