About us

The main goal of our medical services is to maintain the health of our patients through prevention. If health problems occur, we will help you with the most efficient but also the softest treatment possible according to your wishes and the actual medical needs... Our connections to the best specialized practices and hospitals in Munich will be used to surmount any health issue if necessary.

Consultation: the woman in focus

Before and after every examination, we will have a dialogue. You will be able to ask questions, to talk about your wishes and expectations, and to receive all the necessary explanations about our examination results and the therapeutic planning.  We will also try to find causes of health troubles in your way of life, your nutrition or in your mental situation to find the fitting therapy.

Examination – the body in focus

Parallel to the dialogue, the physical examination using all the necessary modern and technical ressources plays an important role both for prevention as for diagnostics or the early detection of diseases.

The gynecological examination will be performed the most possible caution, using instruments adapted to the physical circumstances and your sensibilities. Ultrasoud examinations not only extends our diagnostical possibilities for early detection of diseases but has contributed to the fact that the gynecological examination, as uncomfortable it stays, is not anymore terrible.

Excellency in patient-centered care
Our efforts in reaching and maintaining a high quality level has been confirmed by participating in the quality prorgram of the Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Bayerns (Resident Doctors’ Association in the NHS of Bavaria).

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